C++ Program Penghitung Faktorial - Digital Solutions by Leafcoder

C++ Program Penghitung Faktorial

Kali ini Program Penghitung Faktorial ...

Let's get the code !

  using namespace std;
  double fact(double n);
  int main()
      int n;
      cout << "###################################n";
      cout << "###          STT-PLN 2011       ###n";
      cout << "###        Faktorial Solver     ###n";
      cout << "###      Danang Adhi Prasetya   ###n";
      cout << "###################################n";
      cout << " Masukkan angka: ";
      cin >> n;
      cout << "n";
      cout << n << "!=";
      cout << fact(n) << endl;
      return 0;
  double fact(double n)
      if (n>1) return n*fact(n-1);
      else return 1;

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